Should You Write JAMB and WAEC at the Same Time?

By | January 31, 2025

Should You Write JAMB and WAEC at the Same Time? Hello, prospective Jambite and WAEC candidates! What you are about to read will answer all your questions in various ways. Should you write JAMB and WAEC together?  Can I write Jamb before WAEC and be given admission the same year? Can I write WAEC and JAMB in SS2? Can I write JAMB without WAEC? Can you put subjects that are not in your WAEC in JAMB? These are the questions that will get answers in this article and these questions might have been bugging your mind lately. Keep reading to see the answers.

Students seeking admission to postsecondary schools in Nigeria rely heavily on the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) and the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) tests. While both tests serve different purposes, many students wonder whether it is necessary or beneficial to take both exams at the same time. In this blog post, we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of taking both JAMB and WAEC at the same time, so you can make an informed decision.

A lot of JAMB and WAEC Candidates are always left alone to make wrong decisions and bad choices. With a platform like ours, JAMBITES and WAEC candidates can streamline their decisions and choices in light of the information provided here. Our dream is to see you get admitted, graduate on time, and possibly get the job of your dreams.

JAMB UTME and WAEC Examination: A Proper Overview and Understanding

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination and the West African Examination Council Senior Certificate Examination are two different examinations, but when it comes to tertiary admission, both of them serve the same purpose. Without both, you can’t get admission.

While the JAMB UTME is written around March or April, the WAEC is written around May or June, and the external WAEC, popularly called the GCE, is written around November or December. So, does this give you enough time to combine both examinations? Let’s get to see.

Can I write WAEC and JAMB in SS2?

I did write my first JAMB in SS2, so technically, yes, you can write the JAMB UTME examination in SS2. So, what about the WAEC exams? Well, you can still use the WAEC GCE, which you can also write in your SS2 as well. Do not forget that you can also write the WASSCE in SS2 if you are ready and good to go.

Writing JAMB and WAEC in your SS2 allows you to try again if you cannot meet up. Having written the examination before allows you to understand how it works and how examination questions are set. You can’t fail this time around, believe me.

So students in SS2 can write JAMB and WAEC at the same time because it reduces the stress of combining ss3 school work and WAEC and also reduces he expectation because even if you fail, you will take it as a trial and ready to try again in your SS3.

Can I write JAMB Before WAEC and Get Admission?

Is it possible to write JAMB before WAEC and get admission? This means that you will have to use awaiting result which is not acceptable by all school. Yes, you can actually write JAMB before WAEC but getting admitted is not guaranteed.

So, the sensible thing to do is to Write JAMB and thereafter follow it with the WAEC examination or WAEC GCE. This will reduce the stress of finding out schools that accepts awaiting results and also facilitates your admission process.

Can I write JAMB Without WAEC?

So, are they schools that accepts your JAMB scores without WAEC? To The best of my knowledge as an education blogger, it is nearly impossible. It is rather the other way round. You can actually get admission with just your WAEC without JAMB in some schools. So, you actually need WAEC more than you need JAMB.

So, if you are planning to write only JAMB and take it to any school for your admission screening, you will be rejected and that will be so painful.  This proves that you can write JAMB and WAEC the same time and it is the ideal thing to do if you want to fasten your route to admission.

Advantage of Writing WAEC and JAMB Together

  1. Efficient Preparation: Preparing for two tests simultaneously allows you to optimize your study schedule and better manage your time. There is frequently overlap in the syllabi and subject content, allowing you to study similar themes once and apply it to both tests.
  2. Reduced Stress: By writing JAMB and WAEC together, you will only have to go through the tough exam preparation phase once. By putting in the time and effort to prepare for both examinations at the same time, you may lessen the stress and worry that comes with multiple exam sessions.
  3. Seizing Chances: In order to be considered for admission, some postsecondary educational institutions in Nigeria require both JAMB and WAEC results. You can increase your chances of being admitted to a desired course or institution by taking both examinations at the same time and making sure you meet the requirements of a wider selection of institutions.
  4. Confidence Boosting: You may feel more confident if you write well and perform well on both tests. It can boost your confidence to face future challenges head-on if you know that you passed two significant tests at the same time.

Disadvantages of Writing JAMB and WAEC Together

What are the disadvantages of writing WAEC and JAMB together if there are any at all?

  1. Increase in Stress: Your stress will definitely increase. Preparing for two exams which are not set by your teachers and neither the markers or invigilators are your teachers is a very huge risk, yes, it is and the level of you stress will definitely increase. But albeit the stress is a positive one and should be channeled well.
  2. Exhausting Workload: The level of academic workload you will have to undertake will definitely increase and you will need to add extra hours to your reading. You will be studying from different syllabus and the is stressful.
  3. Limited Concentration: Splitting your focus between two tests may make it difficult for you to focus on particular subjects or topics. Managing the numerous requirements and syllabi of both tests may cause you to lose depth of understanding in particular areas, which will negatively impact your overall performance.
  4. Burnout/Fatigue: You might stand a risk of getting fatigue or extremely burnout. At this point you need occasional breaks and rest. You also need to eat well and rest well. You will eventually be fine. Fatigue during exams period is quite normal and it’s nothing to worry about.

See Also:


This article has answer you the questions of Should you Write JAMB together?  Can I Write Jamb Before WAEC and Be Giving Admission the Same Year? Can I write WAEC and JAMB in SS2? Can I Write JAMB Without WAEC? Can you put subjects that are not in your WAEC in JAMB? You can check out our post on the 21 indispensable ways to pass any examination anywhere.  If you found this article valuable, pleas share it and leave a comment behind. Thanks for reading and good luck in your examination.


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