Best Websites to Apply for Remote Jobs Anywhere in the World: The advent of the COVID-19 brought about the surge of remote jobs and it has come to stay. Remote Jobs have come to stay and there is no going back. There all a lot of people making huge bucks from doing simple everyday remote jobs that does not require certifications and skills.

Best Websites to Apply for Remote Jobs Anywhere in the World
Best Websites to Apply for Remote Jobs Anywhere in the World

In this article we will list websites that can help you get remote jobs. These jobs are both jobs that require certifications and those that require no certifications as well. With the current economic situation in Nigeria and the global inflation, the only way forward is remote jobs. You can earn as much as a thousand dollars per remote job or even more.

Websites where you can Apply for Remote Jobs

Thankfully enough, the internet has made life quite easier. You can apply for remote jobs with your smart phone and laptop even right now as you are reading this. Just make sure that you read and go through the requirements as stipulated by each website.

1.      Flexjob

Flexjob is a very well curated website mainly for remote jobs. The availbale jobs here are quite legit and there is no scam because each job posted is well monitored and there are jobs for part-time and full time making it quite flexible. The site isn’t free for remote job seekers but it offers remote jobs with reasonable rates and high quality.

This site was founded by Sara Sutton in 2007. There are a lot of jobs here ranging from IT jobs to administrative, accounting jobs, bookkeeping jobs, data entry jobs, digital marketing jobs, writing jobs, etc.

If you are serious about getting a remote jobe, then sign up on the website and make sure that you pay and find the job that fits your abilities.

2.      JustRemote

Just Remote is a remote job search platform that provides an interactive search page which allows yu to search for any remote job quite very easily via its job listing.

JustRemote has job listing accross a variety of funtionalities which include but not limited to design, development, writing, customer service, business, editing, marketing, HR, project management, recruiting, sales, SEO, social media and more.

With the JustRemote Search, you can Streamline your search based on contract duration. It also makes it easy to find jobs in specific countries. With the newly added power search button, you can find job opportunities that companies did not advertise for but this function requires you to pay a fee.

3.      We Work Remotely

If you just transition to tech or desired to switch to a tech career, this is a parfect platform for finding your kind of remote job. WWR has a blended mix of tech-jobs and non-tech jobs. There are lots of writing and copywriting jobs that you can find here.

As a copywriter, you can actually earn an annual salary of $76,412. This is the exact motivation that you needed to kickstart your remote job journey. If you are already a copywriter and you are looking for a company to work for, you can start by signing up for this website.

4.      Remotive

The best thing about Remotive is that it’s free to join. It has a standard job board and you can search through all the category including the marketing. This will help you to see when a job has posted, where it is located, and what specialty it falls under.

The founders of the website have made sure that key information is being channeled to the subscribers via email newsletters and webinars on a bi-monthly basis. The goal is to help everyone land a remote job and reach financial freedom.

5.      Remote.Co

Are you a Data Entry enthusiat or expert? Remote.Co offers hand-curated list of some of the top remote opportunities in the most recruited categories. It has a great and supportive community with a great Question & Answer board with regular content around how to land a great job. As a data Entry Expert, you can actually earn you can earn as much as $59,000 a year. Virtual assistants earn as much as $60,000 annually and $72,432 per year as a digital marketer. This is enough reason to get on this website and start your remote job journey successfully.

6.      Remote OK

This remains another great website to apply for remote work. With Remote Ok, the job posting is steady and consistent. Jobs are posted from companies all over the world, from America to Europe and even Asia.

This website gives you the advantage of having a glance at the skills which each job entails. Without a fee, you can easily access over hundreds of remotely accessible jobs on this website.

7.      Virtual Locations

Virtual Locations (VV) gives you some attractive membership packages which guarantees access to some incredibly helpful tools. A good example is the Job Application History feature-this helps you to follow up the remote job you have applied for etc.

VV also offers professional resume services and provides a blog o resources and tips. The website is premium as the free account only gives your access to limited resources.

8.      Working Nomads

For those looking to start their telecommuting career, Working Nomads have 100% guarantee remote job opportunities. Available here are high tech-jobs like front-end to back-end to non-tech jobs like writing and marketing.

Mostly found here are tech-related jobs. The site also shows the number of opportunities available in each category.

9.      ARC

This is a job board that is designed for developers across the globe. If you are a professional new to the technology sector, this will be a good source for you.

ARC helps you to create a profile and apply for tech nobs online. You can either apply for senior developers or entry-level position based on your sill level. The website also matches you with companies to make your job easier.

10.  Upwork

A very popular freelance site but features remote job listings as well. The remote job listed on upworks are posted in suitable categories like virtual assistants, mobile app developers, and copywriters. Remote freelancers are hired heavily here by companies like Zendesk, Dropbox, and Airbnb. While looking for part-time or full-time job as a freelancer, also consider taking up work as a freelancer on upworks.

11. is an amalgamated job board that caters for both traditional jobs and remote jobs. Do a proper search on the Indeed search to filter and get the best remote jobs.

This will show you only jobs you can perform from home. have been in the job industry for years and have been established as a platform for finding reliable job here.

See Also:


The remote job lifestyle and culture has been taken to another level by the COVID push. You no longer need to be in the corporate wall. Get yourself into the remote job culture. Remote jobs pay well, find one that caters for your skillset and begin the journey today. Send the applications now.



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