TRCN Examination Date: The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) exam date and venue have been updated in this article. The examination dates and venues are for the professional qualification exams (PQE) that will be written this year. This information is available on the TRCN portal.
This information is legit, and the reader is expected to make preparations for the 2024/2025 TRCN Examination based on the information found here. Further instructions for the TRCN examination will also be revealed in this article.
The TRCN examination is to help ascertain the level of professionalism of trained teachers in order to help them teach and train the upcoming generation as well. The TRCN exam is not just about the knowledge applicants possess in their field but also the level of moral standard, which is vital in training children and teenagers.
TRCN Examination Schedule: Date, Venue, and Instructions
Here you will find the official TRCN PQE exam date and schedule for 2024. Now, the examination date for the TRCN PQE exams has been set. if you are an applicant, you are expected to read this article for the date, venue, and rules to be applied. Click here to check the date for each batch.
For all the batches of applicants for the TRCN PQE examination, the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) will send an invitation SMS to all applicants. The invitation message will also be sent via email. These must be registered emails and mobile numbers on the TRCN portal during registration. The examination will be a computer-based test (CBT) with objectives for all categories. You can download the TRCN PQE Examination Past Questions and Answers here.
The examination is divided into categories, which means the questions in categories A to D are all different from each other. Teachers who wish to register for the Professional Qualifying Examination (PQE) must fill out registration forms, which are available in state offices across the country. Completed registration forms must be sent back with proof of payment for any applicable examination costs, broken down by category.
- Category ‘A’ (Ph.D. holders in Education or with Education qualification) N5,000
- Category ‘B’ (Masters in Education or Masters in other fields with Education qualification) N4,000
- Category ‘C’ (Degree in Education or Degree in other fields with Education qualification) N3,500
- Category ‘D’ (NCE) N3,000
Please take note that (i) the exam fee does not include the registration fee. Even after passing the test, the candidate must still pay the registration fee in order to become a licensed professional teacher.
(ii) Candidates must click “PQE application fee” on the remitta portal. The examination venue and date will be communicated to candidates.
As a teacher and future impactor on the lives of the leaders of tomorrow, malpractice is highly prohibited; hence, very serious preparation is required, and that is why we encourage you to buy the TRCN Examination past questions and answers by clicking this link here.
More Instructions for TRCN PQE Examination 2024
- You have to locate your exam site and arrive on time.
- You also need to study really hard for the test.
- You should also bring some writing supplies in case something comes up.
- Try to follow the instructions instead of considering your qualifications.
See also: How to Check TRCN PQE Exams Result 2024.
You have seen the schedule containing the date, venue, and further instructions for the Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) Professional Qualification Exams (PQE) 2024. If you need additional information, please visit the TRCN PQE Portal by clicking this link
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