21 Indispensable Ways to Pass Any Examination Anywhere: Killer Tips. Are you a student in Nigeria or a major examination candidate like the JAMB UTME, WAEC, GCE, NECO, NABTEB, and TOEFL? This article is a must-read for you. There are some secret tips and hacks to passing any examination anywhere in the world. It is beyond attending classes if you are a student and it is also beyond reading if you are an external candidate of any Major examination like the AMB UTME.

I guarantee you that after going through this article, you will be better equipped for that examination you are currently preparing for. So, grab a popcorn, take your time and read this article to the end. When you are done reading, we will love you to share this article on all the social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter and the rest.
The Boys Scouts popular motto says “Be Prepared”. Preparation is the key to Success in anything that you do. With this and of guide, you will be more than prepared write any examination. The steps and tis here are universally approved approaches to getting an excellent result in any examination anywhere in the world.
1. Daily Attendance of Classes
Daily attendance of classes is quite indispensable if you are a student and you want to have an outstanding result during your examination. Yu cannot skip classes and depend on photocopied lecture notes of other student and expect to have a great result.
If you are currently a student or attending a lesson class of an upcoming examination, make it a priority to attend classes, do not miss any lessons. Writing your own notes by yourself will definitely help you to when you are reading or doing revisions for the exams you are preparing for.
If it is in a higher institution, class attendance carries like more than 5% of the overall scores. This is a very big added advantage because 5% ca move you from a D to a C thereby helping to boost your CGPA. In 2024 and beyond if you are currently a student or attending any class somewhere, please take class attendance very seriously.
2. Read After Every Class
This is an untapped secret that can boost your performance I any examination. If you stay three days or more after learning something in a class, the probability of forgetting that thing is 90%. It therefore becomes necessary to do a quick revision after class.
Make this a habit. Always read after every class even if it is not immediately. If you let a day slide, you might need to do an extra reading to remember what was taught.
Sometimes, you might not comprehend what was taught in class but going through your lecture notes for that day can bring the needed understanding. This has worked for several people and it’s a proven strategy most students used to recall what they learnt. Tis method also reduces the burden of studying during examination periods.
3. Create a Reading Timetable
Aside from reading for what was taught in class daily, having your own reading timetable to help you do constant revision and extra research when reading will help you stay organized. In a nutshell, create a timetable to streamline your reading so that you don’t get overwhelmed.
Reading without a timetable is reading without a purpose. If you read according to a timetable, you will not only stay organized but you will be able to save time and do other important things in your life as well. If you need help on how to create a workable timetable for studying for an examination or school work, we can help you do that, jut make sure you leave a comment in the comment box indicating that.
4. Create or Join a Study Group
Sometimes, studying alone might not just be enough. You will need to have a study group or study partners. The essence of a study group or study partners is to enable you and your group members ask questions.
There are some concepts that you might not grasps, equations that you might not understand no matter how hard you read or apply, but they might just e one person in that group who has a solid understanding of these things. As a friend, the person will be in a better position to explain the concept to you and to your understanding.
If you do not know how to create a study group, try and join one. Meet of with your course mates or classmates and discuss with them about your plans to start or join a study group. Out of ten people that you meet, at least one person will be interested.
5. Organized Your Study Space
One thing that might drag you back seriously while studying is a disorganized study space. Even if you are a student staying in the hostel, you should create your own study space and make sure your roommates know about and also respect your space as well.
Studying in a disorganized and unorganized space will draw more out of you. First of all you will not be able to concentrate and secondly, you will not remember what you have read or study so far.
6. Study With Past Questions
To study with past exams materials or past questions and answers is one of the best ways to pass an examination. Most examinations are merely repetition of questions from past exams. If you have past questions available with you, it will be easier to remember the answers to the questions.
Even if the exam is a mathematical examination, it will be even easier for you because you might have solved a similar equation while practicing with the past questions and answers. This is the major advantage that using past questions and answers to study for an examination gives you- a bird-eye-view of the overall examination in perspective.
7. Feed Well and Have Adequate Sleep
Eat Well! Eat Well! Sleep Well! Sleep Well! Do you need screams to take this advice? If you keep on attending classes, reading and studying without having a proper rest, you might end up sick or even disoriented and may miss an exam.
From my own personal practice as a student back then in school, I never read beyond 12 Midnight! Once it’s 12, I stopped whatever I was doing to sleep and this helped me a lot and I never as well stayed tried to read everything a night before the examination. It will definitely dull your memory.
This is why one of the tips here id for you to read daily after every class and also have a timetable for revision. The only thing you will need to do when exams approaches is to get your past questions and solve like the last five years of past questions. Then eat and sleep very well a night to the examination.
8. Divide Your Study into Study Sessions and Have Breaks
If you are studying for an external examination like JAMB, WAEC or GCE, which is more tedious because it is not being set by your teacher, please make sure that you read in sessions. If you are reading a chapter of a textbook, calculate the number of pages in the chapter and divide it into sessions.
For example, if there are 28 pages in the chapter, divide it into 7 sessions. Once you finish reading four pages, try recalling what you have read and make a note. When you are done with the chapter, go through the notes you have made and make sure that you recalled every major point in each session before closing for the day.
When you are doing revision for exams, you will not need to go back to the textbook except for refence purposes. You will only need to use your notebooks, lecture notes and past questions which will streamline you study process for the examination.
9. Use Study Techniques Such as Mnemonic
While study, you will need to use some study techniques and skills in order to remember the important things and key points that you have read so far. They are so study techniques which helps in understanding the of text studied. Some of major study techniques are: Mnemonics, Pomodoro Technique, Spaced repetition, Leitner system, Feyman Technique, PQ$R methos, Mind Map, Active Recall, Planning, Pareto analysis, SQ3R method etc.
Mnemonic strategies are memory aides that allow people to retain information more efficiently. The term mnemonic is derived from the Greek word “mnemonics,” which meaning “of or relating to memory”.
These approaches are designed to help people remember complex or lengthy information including names, dates, and facts. Mnemonic devices involve a variety of techniques, including imagery, acronyms, rhymes, songs, and other forms of creative association.
Check this link out to see the best study techniques and memory retention skills that can help you; https://www.ilovepdf.com/blog/best-study-methods-techniques.
10. Seek for Help and Ask Questions During Classes
While attending classes, you should seek for help when you are lost. Do not pretend to understand what you do not understand. If you feel lost, excuse your lecture, teacher or tutor and ask questions. Howbeit, do not interrupt the class by asking your fellow student while classes are on.
This is why it is important to make friends and also have study groups. You can always meet that your friend or study partner that understand what being taught to break it down or shares his ideas with you. This way you can understand.
11. Discover what your examination looks like
Before setting out for the examination, try and find out what the examination looks like. Discover the scheme and scope of the examination. Always find out the hall that will be use for the examination and familiarize yourself with it.
Having a pre-experience of what the intended examination looks like will ease the examination tension that follow students into the examination hall. There are various ways you can familiarize yourself with the examination which include the use of past questions, Syllabus, and marking schemes.
12. Use various study location
This method uses to work for me when I was a student. Different subjects will need different environments. The ways in which computers and the brain function are comparable. Did you know that your brain has the same ability to recognize environments as an intelligent device? Your brain becomes more accustomed to adjusting to new circumstances and surroundings as you study in a variety of settings.
It is possible that the exam environment is similar to one of the study locations you select. Thus, choosing several study locations can really help you become more confident and is a useful exam preparation advice.
13. Get rid of distraction when studying.
The greatest disservice you can do to yourself is to yourself is to swim in the midst of distraction while you are studying. You will not be able to understand or retain anything that you reading. When you are reading, put off the loud music, put off your phones and disable your social media notifications. These things are huge distraction and will extend the time that you use to read. A chapter that you actually normally read for one hour, you might end up doing it for three hours because of distraction. Eliminate every form of distraction and read in a very quiet place except you’re doing a group reading.
14. Set study goal
Set a goal of the academic records you want to attain or better still the scores you want to have in the different subjects in the examination. Once you have your eyes fixed on your academic goals, it will be possible to focus very well and eliminate distractions.
So, how do you create goals for your exams? Determine the scores you want to achieve and begin working towards them. Set the scores depending on your topic strengths, then pick how much time to devote to each. This allows you to calculate the return on investment for your time. So, what are your thoughts on this one? Do you agree that making goals is an important part of passing an exam? I bet you do.
15. Always get to the exam hall on time and be the last to leave
Punctuality is the sole measure of time. It might not directly translate to success in your exams, but if you can get to your examination hall hours before the examination, this will help calm your nerves and keep you a little more coordinated. You might even have extra time to do some quick revisions.
If you are among the first to finish your questions, do not be in a hurry to leave the examination hall. Stay back and go through what you have answered so far. Cross your T’s and dot your I’s, and make sure every answer you have given to any question has been properly cross-checked.
16. Put yourself to the test occasionally
While applying the principle of dividing your study time into sections, always make sure that you task yourself with some questions to answer and try to answer as much as you can. Also, use textual materials that contain questions and answers at the end of the material.
Combining this with the use of past questions and answers will help you boost your confidence when writing your exams. Aside from studying for examinations, this particular act will ensure that you do not you hardly forget what you read.
17. Eliminate fear and Anxiety
Most students tend to be overwhelmed with fear and examination fever once they’re seated in an examination hall. It is advisable that you do away with all fear and anxiety as this will make you jittery and eventually forget all you might have toiled, labored and read to understand.
Put on your confidence like a cloth and believe in yourself once you enter the examination hall. Believe in yourself and your abilities once you enter the examination hall. You can do it.
18. Make proper Use of the Internet to study
The internet has replaced the library. You can learn anything and everything about your course just by making use of the internet. As a student, the internet is not just for chatting and social media, you can become a professional your field as well.
Use the internet to study, and also find questions relating to your exams for example you are writing an external examination like JAMB, WAEC, NECo, GCE or IELT.
19. Study with Syllabus and Marking Scheme
This might not be a directly success factor in an examination, but I have found out that if you can get into the examiners head by understanding how answers to questions are marked. If you can learn your hands on any of the examination’s marking scheme, that will also be an advantage to you. You can get the marking scheme of an examination by getting acquainted with any of the markers of teacher of the subject.
20. Plan Your Revision
After an extensive study period, you will need to go through all that you have studies, the notes you have made, your lecture notes and your handouts.
When revising, make sure that you have your past questions materials and the answers with you. Also take into consideration the other tips that have been mentioned here.
21. Pray and Wait for Success
Finally, after all said and done, all success and power belong to God. Do not forget to invite the most important person to come in and guide you. One little mistake by the examiner and marker can ruin you. Examiners do miss candidates’ scripts and papers, so do not forget to commit everything into the hand of God. He will consolidate your success.
Passing examination is no mean feat but however, it is not impossible, they’re tips and steps that you need to follow and they have been outlined in detail in this article. In summary, the 21 indispensable steps to examination success are:
- Daily Attendance of Classes
- Read After Every Class
- Create a Reading Timetable
- Create or Join A Study Group
- Organized Your Study Space
- Study With Past Questions
- Feed Well and Have Adequate Sleep
- Divide Your Study into Study Sessions and Have Breaks
- Use Study Techniques Such as Mnemonic
- Seek for Help and Ask Questions During Classes Discover what your examination looks like
- Use various study location
- Get rid of distraction when studying.
- Set study goal
- Always get to the exam hall on time and be the Last to leave
- Put yourself to test occasionally
- Eliminate fear and Anxiety
- Make proper Use of the Internet to study
- Study with Syllabus and Marking Scheme
- Plan Your Revision
- Pray and Wait for Success
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