24 Awesome Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Job Anywhere in The World: Are you going for an interview in any field like Aviation, Tech, Agriculture, Oil and Gas, Healthcare, Education, Remote jobs, etc.? There are some awesome tips you can practice for a winning performance, irrespective of your industry.

24 Awesome Interview Tips to Land Your Dream Job Anywhere in The World
This article will share 24 awesome interview tips for a winning performance that can help you land any dream job of your choice anywhere in the world. Just read through to the end and make sure that you follow the instructions as seen in this article.
We’ll teach you how to prepare for a job interview so that you will convince them you are the one to hire. Preparing for a great interview is beyond goggling some common job interview questions. Brace up yourself as we take you on a long journey. After reading this article, you can see Job interviews the same way.
These tips are divided into three parts; What to do Before the Interview, what to do on the interview day and what to do after the interview. Combining these three together gives you a complete dominance of the interview space and environment. Below are over 21Awesome Interview tips that can land you your dream job anywhere in the world.
1. Do Company Research and Use some of Their Products and Services
The first and one of the most important steps you can take while preparing for a major job interview is to do a thorough research about the company that will potentially employ you. Find out about their history, their contacts, and their salary structures. Any questions might jump into the interview concerning the history of the company. Also, you might ask how much you should be paid, this will require you to know the salary structure of the company to avoid giving outrageous salary ranges.
2. Learn Everything Can About the Available Jo Position
What position are you applying for? Learn everything possible about that position and try your best to remember as much as you can to avoid being caught off-guard. Before you can show your employer why you should be hired for the position, you also need to show that you understand what the position entails by displaying and in-depth knowledge of the Job position and how things work.
3. Find Out About the Interview Panel
Find out about the interview panel. Do a little research on who will be on the interview panel and a little bit about their personality. Different individuals require different approach based on their personality traits. You can actually have a smooth sail where other are finding the interviewers tough to deal with based on your understanding of how to deal with human behaviors, temperaments and behavioral traits.
4. Find Out the Kind of Interview that will be Conducted and Prepare Accordingly
Get to know the type of interview that will be conducted. Will it be an oral panel interview oral written test or probably a CBT test? Knowing the type of interview you are going for will enhance your mode of preparation for the Job Interview.
5. Use the STAR Method
When responding to interview questions with a narrative, you should always make sure the story is coherent and has a clear message. Giving the interviewer all the background information they require to comprehend what transpired while yet providing a clear and succinct response to the question should be your aim. Using the STAR technique is one approach to accomplish this. STAR represents:
- Situation: Summarize the situation briefly, providing just enough information so that the interviewer will grasp the importance of the situation as well as the rest of your response.
- Task: Discuss your involvement in the circumstance.
- Action: Talk about what you did and why.
- Result: Discuss the conclusion and your learning with the interviewer.
6. Practice Answering Questions with Someone
After your preparation and studying of interview questions, get your friend or family member to act and interviewer and practice a mock interview with him or her. You can make it more realistic by adding multiple interviewers in your mock interview.
7. Prepare List of Reference and Be Prepared with Examples of Your Work
Create a reference list and be prepare with your work samples. This is most applicable where the nature of the position of the job requires physical or mechanical activities. Having examples of your works and a reference list will add some professionalism to your already beautiful CV.
8. Find Out what Yu Stand Out for and Your Selling Point in the Job
When you decided to apply for the job position, did you pause to think how good you are? What are you selling points and what can you do so outstandingly well if offered the available jo position? Sit down and ponder on this very well and also make sure you come up with an answer. You might likely be asked this in an oral interview test.
9. Practice! Practice!
Do you have interview test questions with answers? Get one and practice over and over again. Practice they say makes perfect. Once you have mastered the act of answering interview questions, you are definitely one leg into the company you applied for.
10. Try Some Mock Interviews.
Before going for the actual interview, try out your perfection with some mock interview test. This will ascertain your level of readiness and preparation for the interview test. They are a lot of mock interview test questions you can lay your hands on. Find out some and enhance your preparation for it.
11. Know why you need the Job and Why should the Position be given to you
What makes you better than the other people applying for the said job position? Why do you need the job? If you are asked this in an interview hall, what will you answer? This should make you find out why you need the job and what makes you better than their applicants. If you have a ready made answer to this, you are good as being employed.
12. Prepare Smart Questions for Your Interviewers
It takes two to tango in an interview. Companies want to know that you’re considering the possibility of working there, so they anticipate you to have questions. You might want to think about asking the following queries to your interviewers:
- Could you describe a few of the daily duties associated with this position?
- What qualities do you think someone with this kind of potential would have?
- If I were employed in this capacity, how would my output be evaluated? How frequently?
- Which departments is this teamwork usually done with?
- In what ways do these departments usually work together?
- How does that procedure appear?
- What difficulties are you now having in your position?
13. Plan What to Wear Before the Interview Day
This is very important. You can’t appear for an interview looking like Jack Sparrow. You have to look as professional as possible. Do not just wake up and wear what you deem fit for and interview. Try and make sure that you prepare what to wear for the interview and package yourself very well.
14. Craft a Killer CV and Bring Resume Copies, a Notebook and a Pen
How good is your CV? Have you incorporated the latest CV format? Make sure that your CV is of the best quality and you should also bring copies of your resume, a note book and a pen. These things might just be handy for you. You might need the notebook and pen to jot down some observations while waiting for the interview to start.
15. Arrive 30 minutes Early to the Interview Venue.
In everything that you do, punctuality is the soul of time. What can be worse than coming late to your own job interview? Not only will you be destabilized, you will always look silly before the portal. Coming some minutes before the interview begins will give you time to look over the thins you might have overlooked while preparing at home.
16. Treat Everyone you meet with Respect
Everyone you might at the office environment should be treated with respect. You do not know who is actually disguising and who is actually the real MD. They’re cases of people who treat office personnel they meet at the gate or reception badly only to find out that that was their boss.
17. First Impression Matter, Let Your First Impression Speak Loud
First impression they say matters. If your very first impression is that of lack of confidence, being jittery and uncertainty, there is no way you will be taken. Let your appearance, tone and personality exude absolute confidence. Try as much as possible to stand out amongst others.
18. Be truthful with your all your responds.
When responding to interview questions, especially questions regarding your personal life and previous employers, avoid the need to exaggerate. They are some employers that will go out all the way to find out things about their potential employees. Nobody wants to employed a crook to ruin their years of labor and sweat.
19. Plan for What you will Do If Caught Off Guard
They’re times that you might get caught off guard when you are asked a question that you didn’t expect. At such moment, you need to always be on guard with expectation of such moments. If you make an unreasonable response when asked a question you didn’t expect, that might jut be the end of the road for you. So always stay on guard and expect to be asked any unrelated question.
20. Prepare for Technical Interview and Test
If you’re preparing for a technical interview or have been told there will be a skill test during the interview, begin preparing and practicing as soon as you can. Working through a prep book or sample questions will not only provide you with valuable practice, but will also place you in the proper problem-solving mentality.
21. Make Sure you’re a little bit ICT Compliant
Do you know how to use the computer very well? Being ICT compliant is a very huge bonus. There are companies that will not even blink at your CV except there is computer literacy as one of the skills in your CV. So, in all that you do, please endeavor to get some basic computer skills and add it with pride to your CV.
22. Do not Speak Negatively About Your Former Employers
Avoid the trap of speaking ill about your previous employers no matter how sour your relationship with them was. If you do this, it will be a very huge red flag. You new employers to be might just believe if you leave their department, that we will suffer the same negative views and comments from you. Stay positive as much as you can. You will win.
23. Ask About the Next Steps
When the interview is over, do not fail to ask your interviews about the next step and Iine of action. This will prove to them that you are interested in the organization and you are also eager to work with them. Little things like these matters and though you might not be aware but you should take note of that now.
24. Do not Forget to Send a Thank You Note
After the interview has been conducted and you have gone home, find out the addresses of your interviewers and send them a thank you note. If you interviewed in person, ask for each person’s business card so you may follow up individually with a separate thank-you email. If you interviewed in the morning, send your follow-up emails that day; if you interviewed in the afternoon, send them the next morning.
In this article, you have seen about 24 great interview tips that can help accelerate your job-hunting process and land a big job. These tips covered things to do before the interview, things to do on the interview day and things to do after the interview. If this article was really helpful, please share this article and leave a comment behind. Also give us a follow on our social media page. Thanks for reading and goodluck.